Donate now!

Skychildren is one of the few non-profit organisations in the world that guarantees that 100% of the donations received go directly to the children:tutti i costi gestionali dell’organizzazione sono coperti dai soci in prima persona. Dona ora: ti garantiamo la destinazione diretta della tua donazione, da cui nulla viene trattenuto per spese gestionali o amministrative e che arriva entro 6 mesi direttamente ai bambini.

Give them a smile via:

– - Paypal circuit - the easiest and safest online payment system!

– - bank transfer made out to Skychildren Onlus IBAN CODE: IT89 K034 4020 0000 0437 100

- Destination of the 5×1000 CF 94621150153

Bank cheque payable to SKYCHILDREN ONLUS

- Testamentary bequest

IMPORTANTE! Indicando il tuo nome e indirizzo, riceverai un documento fiscale che ti consentirà di dedurre la donazione dalla dichiarazione dei redditi.


As from 1 January 2018, liberal cash donations made to ONLUSes are deductible from the tax due to the extent of 30% of the donation made and up to a maximum donation amount of EUR 30,000. Alternatively, it is possible to deduct the donation from income to the extent of 10% of one's taxable income, with no limit on the amount, with the possibility of deferring any unused amounts in the following four financial years.

The obligation remains to make the donation only via bank (bank transfer, cheque, credit card, etc.), post office or other certified system. Donations made in cash are not deductible.

The certification of donations made will be sent in the first months of the following year, please provide your tax code to produce an appropriate certification. Donations received without personal data or without data to send the certification will not be communicated.

Contact us, we will be happy to answer your every curiosity about our mission!

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    5 x 1000

    Contacts us

    Via Tommaso Grossi, 6 20900 Monza (MB)

    CF 94621150153

    IBAN IT89 K 034 4020 4020 0000 0437 100  +39.335.66.52.279
