The aim of the project is to protect children living in the red light districts of Kolkata from exploitation and abuse by supporting their education. 

Secondo le statistiche, about 40,000 prostitutes under the age of 18 work in these areas of the city. The red-light districts are areas of deep degradation,where prostitution, including child prostitution, alcohol and drug abuse, domestic violence, child trafficking, early marriages, child labour, are the norm in a childhood that is to all intents and purposes denied.

In the total promiscuity of these environments, mothers stun their youngest children with alcohol per tenerli con sé mentre svolgono la loro professione o li lasciano gironzolare incustoditi tra i pericoli del quartiere o incaricano i fratelli maggiori di prendersene cura, impedendo loro di frequentare la scuola. Children are often abused by clients. The most desirable and lucrative category of prostitutes is that of underage girls, who are kept hidden, as they are mostly abducted or raped by pimps to force them into prostitution as young as 8 years old. The police file these cases as 'missing girls' instead of kidnapped. And nobody looks for them anymore.

In these neighborhoods, we activate spaces where children can take refuge when their mothers are working, where they can find shelter from physical and psychological violence e dove viene offerto loro first level of education, as well as a roof under which they can stay the night in case they feel unsafe.

With the support of teachers and local workers, regular meetings are organised among the adults in the neighborhood to raise their awareness of key issues such as children's rights and the importance of sending their children to school.

Through the direct provision of education, protection and care services and through this work in the community, Skychildren aims to ensure children's rights by referring children to government schools after adequate preparation, then supporting them in their studies to prevent school drop-outs and making them aware of their rights and how to obtain them. 

Results achieved

Children attending Skychildren Centres: 371

Vocational training programme for mothers: involving 20 women


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