The aim of the project is to protect and support girls who are victims of child trafficking and sexual violence.The shelter for abused girls provides a safe and secure environment for extremely vulnerable girls and young women, victims of physical, psychological and sexual abuse, abandonment, absolute poverty and at risk of trafficking. A personal educational, psychological, scholastic, nutritional, sports, medical and future reintegration care plan is drawn up for each girl and updated monthly. Here the girls live in an environment of love and care, and are assured, in addition to the satisfaction of their basic needs (cibo di qualità, riparo e protezione, abiti, etc.), regular school attendance, the support of private tutors to avoid dropping out of school, free legal aid, individual and group psychological support, recreational and therapeutic activities attività ricreative e terapeutiche for their well-being and physical and mental growth such as: music, dance, drawing, painting, yoga and meditation. Within the home, they attend courses in embroidery, cutting, sewing, handicrafts, IT held by qualified staff dedicated to their professional training..

Results achieved

Welcomed into the home: 40 vulnerable girls aged 6 to 16.

Reunited with families: 25 girls.

Enrolled in college: 20 girls.


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    Via Tommaso Grossi, 6 20900 Monza (MB)

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